me: brown plaid converse, jeans, white tank, necklace, black bolero.
Kyul: black and white checked vans, baggy jean shorts, grey hoodie, and a black hat
Hyungsuk: flipflops, loose khaki pocket shorts, black burberry collared shirt
Snoopy: puma sneakers, jeans, maroon collared abercrombie shirt
Moonkyung: Gold high heels, jeans, grey and white striped v-neck sweater
Joon: sneakers, loose khaki pocket pants, blue abercombie tee
After hanging out a little at the shop to close, we went to Edward's Cinema to watch a movie. There, we met up with Joon oppa's friend Josh. Josh is a really pretty looking guy. He was wearing um..... sneakers, jeans, and a red collared tee. (he came after Kyul and I waited for him) We intended on watching 300 -_- but the tickets were sold out. We decided to watch Zodiac, thinking it would be an exciting movie....but I'll talk about that later. Anyway, after the boys smoked a few cigarettes outside, Joon & Moonkyung (so cute together) walked into the theater holding hands AWW while Hyungsuk and Snoopy went in together. Kyul oppa and I waited for Josh oppa for like 20 minutes LOL. Its so weird. I can't talk when I see him. words get stuck in my throat. Anyway, he asks me if I'm cold....I was wearing that darned bolero. So I said yes, and he went to get me his jacket. I put it on and I was 10000000% warmer. Dear God hahaha It smelled really good. like him. hahahaha anyway, we kept waiting and waiting so he asked me if I wanted him to piggy back me. It went so fast I said no (DANGIT WHY DIDNT I ASK) and he asked me whether I would be able to. I said of course, and he said no, because I'd fall over. I kept insisting I could, so he finally let me. I got up, but he like, jumped off thinking I would drop him -_- There was so much I wanted to do and say but it just.. GAH. Then Josh oppa finally came. Him and Kyul smoked a few cigarettes and then we went inside. Moonkyung and Joon sat somewhere, while the seating arrangement went like this:
Josh Kyul Me Hyungsuk Snoopy.
If interested, Hyungsuk is really good lookin' girls. He has nice hair too. Snoopy is a funny guy too, although, we didnt talk much that day. Anyway the movie started and I thought I was going to die. It was like 3 hours long. WTF. Hyungsuk, while watching the people in the movie smoke, wanted to as well. I told him to hold it. hahahaha Snoopy fell asleep, and Josh was bored out of his mind. I almost fell asleep during one part, and put the hood of the jacket over my head, and then Hyungsuk grabbed it and pulled it over my face. gg the movie finished around 1:30am -_- my mom was PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED cuz I didn't call her. That was my mistake. Anyway, after the movie we stood outside for a bit. We were the ONLY ones at the movie theater, since it was close now. I swear, a waste of my freaking 10 bucks. Give it back, seriously. The director of seven.. come on... wasn't seven a good movie? why did this one suck so bad? well it didnt suck, but it was just.. so dragged on -_- the boys smoked again hahaha and then we finally parted ways. I wanted to play more, but since my mom got mad -_----- couldnt. haha I reluctantly gave Kyul's jacket back. He told me I could take it, but I have no idea why I gave it back. Anyway, said bye to them, and went with Joon and Josh and Moonkyung so they could drop us off at the sushi restaurant (my car was there). Anyway, dropped us off, and then Moonkyung and I went home. I got home around 3am GG haha technically 4 since daylight savings time. But playing during the morning hours is so much fun. I would do that rather than hang out in the morning. Of course, my mom wouldn't want me to hahaha I think about it, and I'm like.. DANG. fobs. all fobs. @___@ I hardly even speak english anymore. Only during classes with my non-korean classmates. Then, and when I chat online with SJ folks. I'm just happy that the SAT is over with... I want to know what I got T_T My mom was sooo pissssed at me hahahaha but then today Joon oppa, Moonkyung, and Moonkyung's other brother came over to say "Joon oppa was our bodyguard yesterday" HAHAHA and then we went to Panda to eat, then coldstone.

At Panda keke

Linking arms. They are so cute T_T
March 14th is White Day. -sigh- I wish I could get something. I wish.
This week omg I LOVE IT.
Monday- late start day
Tuesday & Wednesday- regular day
Thursday- early releasal
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Hopefully Kyul and his friends, along with Joon and his friends can come to Temecula....since my mom wants to meet them -_-
but then we'd have to drive back to Convoy to play. @_@ 40 minutes distances.
Everything I said here... dont take it out or I'll beat you to a pulp. Yeah, they smoke, but who cares? It doesnt make them bad. Seriously. Dont tell your moms, dont tell your friends. just dont. Ok? Ok.
My phone died after SATs. I know this because I was expecting a text from you and when I didn't get it, I was like WOTDAFOOK.
Dude, KT. What did I tell ya? WHAT DID I TELL YOU? Oh, yeah: practically the fucking future. Tangerine boy sounds so cute! :3
Straight out of a Korean movie, and cigs. are hot when the right ppl are smoking them, kthx.
stephanie isn't okay with killing animals but she is with killing people?!?!?!
and you????
smoking doesn't make them bad but you should make them cut down! for the future!
how come you call him oppa if you digg him??
what is white day??
you have so many regrets!! it's okay, it happens to people who can't handle pressure. you know, people who crumble before a worthy adversary, cute boy, or superior fighter, both, or not. CRUMBLE!!!! WEAKKK!!! you'll get over it, and eventually you'll be able to remind yourself to think around him. i believe in you! fierce like a gohm!
dang you're such a boy
or girl...
i don't know, the ones that can't handle it
i forget!
cul8r toki
that was the cutest comment evar
ㅋㅋ 민선아 ~~~
재미있게 놀았어? ㅋㅋ
현숙 사진 볼레 ~~
결꺼도 ~~~
i made a fake myspace account just to see ur myspace. see wut u do to me~!!! i was being so good for YEARS too not caving in. but OMG WHY R U SO HOT. i always said if i was a boy id have the hots for katie (and ya know how much of a lesbian-phobe i am, so that was really hard to say) HAHA jkjkjk hurry up and come to sj and F those ppl who say something bout ur makeup. uh, its called growing up into a WOMAN. LOL if that makes sense. srry i checked my phone now 2:04 a.m. it was on vibrate -_- did u call cus of BIG BANG AT HOLLYWOOD BOWL? NOT TO MENTION FTTS..AND FREAKING BOA. WTF i think im going though! my friend is buying tickets :D i cant resist the goodness. omg suju too....can life get any more sweet. i was planning on taking sats on may 5 though -_- w/e my friend (lizzy) is missing her senior prom too O_O jesus thats what i call dedication.
(srry didnt have time to read ur loooooong arse entry. but i hear u have a crush on a boy in temicula?! gotta read it later on..)
p.s. its funny cus i hecka thought u'd turn white-washed when u got to SD...!!! its actually the oppostie :P
btw, stacy, its temecula -_-
(basically this is a stacy-revolved comment)
2) stacy is impossible to reach even in times as important as calling her to talk about hollywood bowl
3) yes stacy is a lesbiankiller
4) stacy has to say the thing about the makeup cuz she wears makeup ^-^ its about time we grow up! -_-
so in other news, stacy...
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