OH YEA BABY. THESE ARE OUR SEATS FOR HOLLYWOOD. I'm so giddy right now, I'm scaring myself. CLOSE?? YEAH. The seats are pretty darn good for only being Garden and since they're extending the stage through the middle, it will be an even better view. It kinda sucks that we're faaaaaaaar off to the right, but WHO CARES. I really wanted Pool Circle, but it was a little too expensive. There are A LOT of good people coming this year, but I would only buy Pool for the people who came last year. Haha. I could get some Pool tickets, but since the other people from my party dont want to spend more on Pool, I'll just stick with Garden Seats. Yesssssss. Gonna miss school on the 19th and SAT class on the 20th, hope nothing's up then. So I can drive up to L.A. with Kristine in the morning, go on an insane CD shopping spree, and stay at a friend's house until... MAY 20th, where we will attend the pre-concert at 3. 8) then the real concert at 6:30. World Cup theme, so I'm going to wear the shirt I got at the Costa Rica v.s. Korea gameeee. I just hope people aren't screaming too much, and that people dont bring large arse signs that block our view. =__= and I hope screaming fans from the back don't pummel us and jump over our boxes to further block our view. THEY WILL NOT. Hopefully. I need to bring my camera+videocamera and like..300 rolls of film. Hahaha. GG. Peace.
chingooo yaaaa.
it'll be jehmitssuh.
haha youre such a fangirl =P
last 2387 entries were about tvxq
yess i can't wait for may 20th!!! eek our seats are gonna be awesome. sorta.
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