Oh my GOODNESS GRACIOUS. I am actually updating. The amazing thing is that I got off my lazy butt and finally went online after 2 months. The FANTASTIC thing is that I finally got a new layout. The old layout sucked. It was just a rebound :P Anyhow, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Reno.
"The Biggest Little City in the World." (As seen on Reno 911) Im staying at Silver Legacy and so is Amanda, which is an interesting coincidence! I hope I can come home in time to go to Lindsay's Fourth of July party, which she has every year.
I watched Jackass: The movie. The different thing about this one was that it was the unrated version. Let's just say I laughed so hard I was choking. There were some times where I felt bad for the person doing the stunt. I felt particularily bad for Steve-o when he had to snort up wasabi. He was puking everywhere. It was a very unpleasant sight. I waited until 1:30 a.m. to watch that and slept around 3:30 a.m. It was definately worth it. hehe. Another person I will add on my Celebrity To Do List is Johnny Knoxville. He's so hot in a dirty, I like to do crazy stunts that might get me killed kinda way. He also has a nice body. He doesn't have a six pack or anything, but I like the shape of his body. It's really slender and he has this washboard/4 pack stomach. It's hard to describe. I also like how he dresses, and how his pants hang off of his hips at exactly the right spot. a.k.a the sweet spot.
Hahaha but he has a rather old and unhot looking wife. Just like SOME celebrites... -cough- Katie Holmes -cough-
Side note: Whenever I am around you, do not ever mention Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Disgusting.
Well, I got contacts. (unenergetically) whoohoo. Haha I hate touching my eyeball. I can't even put eyedrops in my eye for goodness sakes. The first day it took me about 3o minutes to try to put the sucker in my eye and take it out, but after another day or two, I can take it out in about 5 minutes. Soon, I'll be able to take it out in seconds! But, it's not the future just yet. I can't wait to pick up my new frame for my glasses! I liked the frame because it looked really messed up and weird. hehehehe.
Summer school is pretty weird. Conversations run like wild, and about the stupidest topics. There's a certain someone that I can't stand in class. Karen and Stacy know who that is. Mwahahaha. My table consists of Jarrett, Helen, Aaron a.k.a. Spiderman, Andrea, Patrick, and myself. We all know and have grown to hate Jarrett. Hahahaha just kidding. O_o... Helen Yin is from Piedmont and has a lisp, Aaron is from Independence and has an awesome LED electronic text belt, Andrea is a mexican senior from Independence, and Patrick is....some dude that I never knew went to Piedmont. Yep. It's extremely cold during class because Mrs. Grover cranks up the A.C. like mad. We have to write billions of notes...-.- but we have no homework. Whoohoo.
Another note: NOOOOO SLAVCO LEFT GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. :( I'll miss that hottie with an attitute. I want John to leave so badly. AHH I HATE HIM. The mexican dude (david?) From Strip Search is really hot O__o. One of the only mexican guys that I think is hot. I can't wait until the next episode when they host a bachelorette party. hehehehehe. I hope it's better than this week's episode.
Crap, the pictures overlap my layout.. -.- LAME. Anyway, the last picture is of Johnny. teehee. The fourth picture is of this really awesome looking Japanese model named Takeshi Kanashiro. He's so..pretty *--* The top three are of Oh Ji Ho. >D He was actually a model before he became an actor. He's 6'1'' He was in a korean erotic movie called La Belle. He is also in a korean comedy/drama series that I just finished called "Super Rookie" in translated form. He's not a great actor but I love him anyway. Haha I didn't find him hot at first, but as I watched the series, I grew to love him. Especially when he smiles/laughs during bloopers. :D
Okay, enough is enough! I'll update later. This time..scouts honor. But, I'm not a scout so no promises. :D Ciao.
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